Sunday, July 06, 2008

Eve of departure.

Eve of departure: Last minute lists, worries, excitement, plans - then the travel, which looms on the horizon. Kind of the way a major exam or an important match looms without necessarily being the harbinger of doom and gloom, but representing something big.

Tomorrow I'm off to Lilongwe, Malawi for a year of research into new dosing and combinations for antifungals treatment of cryptococcal meningitis. Some of it is laboratory-based, some of it clinically-based. I will be working with University of North Carolina in conjunction with University of London, and funding/managment comes from those institutions.

Looking forward to being there, and being able to answer the questions: "What will it be like? Who will be working with you? What are the arrangements? Any fun for the next year?" Up to now I have abstract ideas/information regarding these answers, but until I get there they will not muster much inspiration. Like reading about a condition versus seeing it yourself.

Most goodbyes done, but still some to do. Next post probably from Malawi.

1 comment:

Dr Timothy Jackson said...

Hope all is well with you.

Delightful to talk with you at the weekend.

It sounds a most intriguing place.

Many people here asking for you.

Looking forward to more news on your site.

Take Care